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All Resources, A-Z

Resource TitleDate AddedTopicTypeDescription
Saint Kateri Habitat
2024-10-29Critical ConcernsClassroomVegetable gardens, milkweed, chicken coops – our Mercy schools engage in many creative and Earth-friendly practices to help students learn about stewardship and sustainability, hallmarks of the Mercy Critical Concern for Earth. These efforts can help your school earn distinction as a Saint Kateri Habitat. The program is named in honor of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, the patron saint of Native Americans, First Nations Peoples, ecology and the environment.
Mercy Monarch Milkweed Project
2024-10-29Critical ConcernsClassroomBecome part of the Mercy Monarch Milkweed Project by creating a milkweed garden site on the monarch butterfly’s migratory path. Your site should include nectar and milkweed plants and be free of pesticides. You can then register your garden with Mercy Ecology, Inc. and receive a sign for your garden to identify it as part of the Mercy Monarch Habitat Network.
God's Creation Waits
2024-08-14Critical ConcernsClassroomFor grades 2-5. Free, downloadable booklet to encourage children to develop an awareness for all of nature and to appreciate it as a gift from God. This resource may be helpful in your school's observance of the Season of Creation, September 1 - October 4.
Suscipe for Students
2024-06-27Spirituality, Catherine McAuleyClassroomPerhaps the best known prayer of Catherine McAuley is one she called her Suscipe. Have you heard there are special versions for students of all ages?
Kid-Friendly Critical Concerns Poster
2024-04-30Critical ConcernsClassroomThe poster features shorter, simplified explanations to help the youngest members of our Mercy Education family connect and respond to the Critical Concerns of the Sisters of Mercy.
Service Learning Rubric
2024-03-01Spirituality, Mission, Critical ConcernsClassroomAt Muffles College High School (Orange Walk Town, Belize), students annually complete a community service report highlighting their volunteer work over the year. To emphasize service learning, the rubric includes background information about the service recipient or service site, reflection, prayer and more.
Curriculum Guide for the Sisters of Mercy Critical Concerns
2023-10-10Critical ConcernsClassroomA brand-new collection of lesson plans, classroom activities and audiovisual aids to help students learn about extractivism through the lens of the Sisters of Mercy Critical Concerns and the Mercy Education Core Values.
Curriculum Guide for the Sisters of Mercy Critical Concerns
2023-10-10Critical ConcernsClassroomLesson plans, classroom activities and audiovisual aids to help students learn about Nonviolence, one of the Critical Concerns of the Sisters of Mercy.
Infographic Series

Part 1: Supporting Migrants at Borders and In Detention (link)
2022-11-09Critical ConcernsClassroom, StaffPublished by Mercy International Association, this infographic series helps all in our Mercy world to engage with and understand people on the move.
Breaking Boundaries: A Mercy Response to People on the Move (link)2022-09-24Critical ConcernsClassroom, StaffA publication of Mercy International Association, this resource highlights Mercy's experience in serving migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers around the globe.
Lesson Plans on Care for Earth: Extractives (link)2022-08-03Critical ConcernsClassroomWritten by Sister Patricia Donlin, RSM, theology faculty at Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School.
Faithful Voter Reflection Guide (link)2022-07-19Critical ConcernsClassroom, StaffFrom Interfaith Power & Light, this guide focuses on many of the Critical Concerns. The guide is endorsed by the Sisters of Mercy Justice Team and includes an overview of each issue, reflection questions and questions for candidates.
Mercy Oceans Campaign (link)2022-07-11Critical ConcernsClassroom, StaffThis campaign from the Mercy Global Action Oceans Taskforce urges the Mercy World to reflect on and take action for the health and sustainability of the world's oceans.
Prayer for Our Ocean from Mercy International Association (link)2022-07-11Critical ConcernsPrayerMercy Global Action, on behalf of Mercy International Association, is pleased to offer a prayer resource focused on our ocean.
Classroom Guide: Berta Saves the River (link)2022-04-26Critical ConcernsClassroomThis resource guide was created by Mercy Education and is intended for use in Mercy Education schools. Suggested grade levels are 4-7.
A Reflection of God's Mercy - Prayer Services, Liturgies and Resources for Mercy School Communities (link)2022-03-17SpiritualityClassroom, StaffSandy Flaherty, Director of Catholic Identity and Religious Studies teacher at Mercy High School in Burlingame, California, shared this ebook with resources for rituals, prayer services, liturgies and other Mercy celebrations.
War in Ukraine and the Critical Concerns (link)2022-03-10Critical ConcernsClassroomPrepared by the Sisters of Mercy Institute Justice Team, this resource looks at the war in Ukraine through the lens of the five Mercy Critical Concerns.
Resource Guide: Racism (link)2021-12-01Critical ConcernsClassroom, StaffMercy Education is committed “to find ways to have courageous conversations that inspire graced actions to preserve the dignity of and respect for each human being.” As part of this commitment, the Mercy Education staff in conjunction with colleagues throughout the Mercy world have shared resources that may be used for one’s own personal edification as well as classroom resources to help students grow in their understanding of our Mercy Critical Concern for racism.
Critical Concerns Poster (link)2021-07-01Critical ConcernsClassroomOne-page poster of the Sisters of Mercy Critical Concerns.
Hispanic Heritage Month Resources (link)2020-09-05Critical ConcernsClassroomFor our Mercy community, National Hispanic Heritage Month, celebrated from September 15 to October 15, invites us to reflect on and celebrate the richness our Hispanic sisters and brothers bring to the tapestry of the United States.
Voting Resources from the Sisters of Mercy (link)2020-09-03Critical ConcernsClassroomWe know in our Mercy secondary schools, educating students on the Critical Concerns goes hand-in-hand with educating them on their potential to make an impact on these issues through their words, their actions and, when eligible, their votes. We have compiled a list of resources here including voter guides, tips for nonviolent conversation on controversial issues and more.
Critical Concerns Bingo Cards (link)2020-09-01Critical ConcernsClassroomA spin on the traditional game of Bingo that offers pathways for engagement with the Critical Concerns through readings, videos, suggested actions and spirituality.
Global Sisters Report: GSR in the Classroom (link)2020-09-01Critical Concerns, SpiritualityClassroomGSR in the Classroom helps students learn about the varied missions and ministries of Catholic women religious — and religious life — around the world. Each lesson explores Global Sisters Report articles and columns more deeply by posing questions that first open readers’ minds to new learning, then help them understand what they’ve read. Other features deepen the message with pertinent passages from Scripture and Catholic social teaching. Each lesson sends learners forth in prayer.
Just Mercy: A Catholic Study Guide (link)2020-09-01Critical ConcernsClassroomThis resource from Catholic Mobilizing Network serves as an accompaniment to the film Just Mercy and offers viewers a way to explore the Catholic call to uphold the sanctity of life within the U.S. criminal legal system.
Mercy Association in Scripture and Theology (link)2020-09-01Spirituality, Catherine McAuleyClassroomThe MAST Journal is published three times a year by the Mercy Association in Scripture and Theology. Each issue contains essays exploring a particular theme. Holding your cursor over each issue title will allow you to preview the essays in that issue, and clicking on the issue title will bring you to a PDF of that issue.
Pandemic Prayer Resources (link)2020-08-17SpiritualityPrayerCompilation of prayers written during the COVID-19 pandemic from the Sisters of Mercy, USCCB and more.
Digging into Laudato Si' (link)2020-07-01Critical ConcernsClassroom, staffThis series of articles from Earthbeat, a project of National Catholic Reporter, explores Laudato Si’ through a social, political and spiritual lens.
Anti-Racism Education: Mercy Critical Concern Challenge (link)2020-06-01Critical ConcernsClassroom, staffThis clickable five-week calendar provides daily opportunities to watch, listen, learn and act and pray. Mercy Volunteer Corps has also shared this blank version of the calendar that can be customized with resources appropriate for younger children
Laudato Si' Visual Reading2020-06-01Critical ConcernsClassroom, StaffIn commemoration of the 5th anniversary of Laudato Si’, the Sisters of Mercy have created a “visual reading” of the encyclical, highlighting key passages with powerful images, which is perfect for individual reflection as well as classroom activities.

Part 1: Pollution and Climate Change

Part 2: The Issue of Water
Part 3: Loss of Biodiversity
Part 4: Global Inequality
Mission: The Foundation of Decision-Making (link)2020-05-01MissionStaffThe COVID-19 pandemic has touched every aspect of our lives, and its impact on our world continues
still to unfold. Knowing how many timely and critical decisions have challenged Mercy schools, Mercy
Education offers this guide help decision-makers reflect on the choices they have made and look
toward the future with hope.
Catherine's Prayer for Guidance (link)2019-10-01SpiritualityPrayerA prayer for guidance written by Catherine McAuley
Combatting Racism - K-12 Education Resources from USCCB (link)2019-10-01Critical ConcernsClassroomThis link includes resources for K-12 classrooms, school activities and resources for reflection.
Suscipe of Catherine McAuley (link)2019-10-01SpiritualityPrayerPerhaps the best known prayer of Catherine McAuley is one she called her Suscipe or Act of Resignation
Words from Catherine (link)2019-10-01Catherine McAuleyMercy historyThis page on the Mercy International Association website lists quotes from the writings of Catherine McAuley.
In God Alone Film and Worksheets (link)2019-09-01Catherine McAuleyClassroom, Mercy historyThe film "In God Alone – The Story of Catherine McAuley" is available online. There are two versions of this 23-minute film, one in English and one with Spanish subtitles.

If you are sharing this film in your classroom, MIA invites you to use the following worksheets (available in English and Spanish) with your students:
Primary school students worksheet: English (U.S. letter) | English (A4) | Spanish
Secondary school students worksheet: English (U.S. letter) | English (A4) | Spanish
Works of Mercy and Catherine McAuley: Curriculum Guide (link)2019-08-01Catherine McAuleyClassroomUsing the framework of the 15 Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy, this curriculum guide delves into the life and legacy of Catherine McAuley and provides opportunities and resources to inspire students about ways they can make Mercy real in the world today. A robust reference list provides information about service learning, suggested reading for students and teachers about the life of Catherine McAuley and much more.

To create a copy of the curriculum that you can save and edit, please click “File” then “Make a Copy.” Enter a unique name and then click “OK.” The copy you create will be visible only to you.

The curriculum writing team takes you on a tour of the curriculum this video.
Why Choose a Catholic Education? (link)2019-06-01Catholic EducationStaff, FamiliesSandy Flaherty, Director of Catholic Identity and Religious Studies teacher at Mercy High School in Burlingame, California, has published this informative and guiding resource for families considering a Catholic education. It is designed to educate parents on how Catholic education is distinct from other learning environments.
Critical Concerns Summer Reading Lists (link)2019-05-01Critical ConcernsClassroomThe English department at Mercy High School in Burlingame, California, developed a summer reading program highlighting our Mercy Critical Concerns.
Motto Project - Senior Capstone Project (link)2019-04-01Critical ConcernsClassroomThis senior capstone project from Our Lady of Mercy School for Young Women allows students to connect their talents, passions and interests to the Mercy Critical Concerns and Core Values.
Nonviolence Activities for Young Students (link)2019-03-01Critical ConcernsClassroomThis guide, shared by educators at Colegio Santa Ethnea, includes curriculum ideas for natural and social environments, literature, visual education, personal and social formation / emotional education / integrated sexual education, practices of the use of language and physical expression.
Nonviolence Project for Secondary School Students (link)2019-03-01Critical ConcernsClassroomThis resource is an outline of a 2018 Mercy Day project at Colegio Santa Ethnea which focuses on nonviolence.

Accompanied by faculty members, students visit local families to talk about peace, share a blessing and leave a gift of holy water. Each family is also invited to come to the school later for a student performance. The full project is described in this letter to faculty from Ali Botto, coordinator of catechesis, and can be adapted to meet the needs and locality of your school.
Peacebuilders Project for Primary School Students (link)2019-03-01Critical ConcernsClassroomThis project shared by Colegio Santa Ethnea helps students in grades 1-6 learn about building peace with everyday actions; learn and reflect on the lives of different peacebuilders including Catherine McAuley, Malala Yousafzai, Mahatma Ghandi and others; and share the message of peace with the rest of the school through visual displays.
Practicing Nonviolence for Faculty and Administration (link)2019-03-01Critical ConcernsStaffThis resource from Colegio Santa Ethnea shares tips on identifying and addressing areas of conflict in an educational community.
Understanding Racism: Mini-Course from Saint Mary's Press (link)2019-01-01Critical ConcernsClassroomThis mini-course focuses on themes of change, unity and solidarity. By connecting racism to the greater Catholic Social Teaching of Human Dignity, the course helps students understand more about its origins, how it affects others, and how to confront racism and stand in solidarity with people of all walks of life.
Critical Concerns Curriculum Guides for English and Social Studies (link)2018-09-01Critical ConcernsClassroomThese curriculum guides were designed by a group of Mercy educators in August 2018.
Morning and Evening Prayer Book of the Sisters of Mercy (link)2018-01-01SpiritualityClassroom, StaffDaily prayer book used by the Sisters of Mercy.
What is the process to become a Sister of Mercy? (link)2018-01-01SpiritualityClassroom, StaffIt takes at least seven years to become a Sister of Mercy. During this time, a woman learns about prayer, lives in community, studies theology, and ministers alongside sisters. It is a time of deep reflection, growth, grace, and most importantly, joy!
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