In the March 2018 edition of Around the Table, we offer reflections on the Lenten season, explore Women’s History Month, and pay tribute to the national, student-led demonstrations for gun law reform. In addition we profile MESA Board Member Pegeen D’Agostino and MESA Associate Director for Programs and Services Kimberly Baxter.

Interview with David Levy – Entrevista con David Levy
In each issue of Around the Table, we’ll provide a “getting to know you” profile of each member of the MESA Board of Directors. For our inaugural profile, we feature Dr. David Levy, of Omaha, Nebraska. A graduate of Purdue University, David is a professor at Bellevue University, where he directs the MBA program and…
MESA Pilots Mercy Accreditation – MESA Pilotea Acreditación de la Misericordia
Accreditation ensures that the Mercy Charism and Catholic Identity are alive and easily identifiable throughout the full scope of the educational program of each Mercy sponsored or affiliated school. The Charism Task Force contributed to the foundation of MESA by recommending Mercy Accreditation for our schools and suggesting components for the process. The MESA staff…
A Reflection by Anastasia Warner, Mercy High School – Una reflexión por Anastasia Warner, Escuela Secundaria de la Misericordia
This October, I was part of a group of students at my school in Farmington, MI, who had the opportunity to meet three representatives from the Mercy Education System of the Americas, Sr. Lisa Griffith, Sr. Regina Ward, and Ms. Kim Baxter. Although I had always felt that my own Mercy High School had a…
MESA Programs and Services Update – Lo último de los programas y servicios de MESA
One of the first initiatives that the MESA staff created was the New Leader Orientation Program. This program is designed for new administrators and board chairs throughout the education system and consists of five (5) presentation sessions per year over a two-year cycle. The program began with an overview of the purpose and structure of…
Becoming MESA – Convertirse en MESA
Growing up as a child I remember, with great fondness, the anticipation leading up to Christmas. Christmas gifts would appear under the tree, begging on Christmas Eve to open just one gift and getting up early on Christmas morning and lining up by age in in a hall way until everyone was ready to see…
Answering the Call to Oneness at the MESA Table – Respondiendo al llamado a la unidad en la mesa de MESA
As we conclude the calendar year, the Mercy Education System of the Americas completes its first six months of operation. As a new entity, this is a natural point at which to reflect upon our journey together, examine ourselves as a governing board, and chart the course ahead. And what a wonderful opportunity it is…
Beloved and Bewildered: A Message from MESA Board Chairperson – Amado y Desconcertado: Mensaje de la Presidenta de la Directiva de MESA
Dear MESA Partners, It is hard to believe we are in the midst of the annual Lenten Season of our faith journey. As we engage in our own prayers and practices during this time of year, our focus is on a sense of renewal in strengthening our approach to life and ministry. With you,…