World Day of Prayer for Vocations
Reflection by Sister Regina Ward, RSM
Vocations to religious life and the priesthood is a topic many of our Mercy schools introduce to their students. Our understanding of vocation is so broad today, as we recognize that God calls each of us to many “vocations” that lead to a lifelong commitment of responding to God’s love by extending our life energies for the good of others and the deepening of our relationship with God.
As we celebrate World Day of Prayer for Vocations, we focus on religious vocations that include a lifelong commitment through vowed life. Throughout the history of our Mercy schools, many Sisters of Mercy were teachers and administrators who modeled religious life to the students. Today those sisters are fewer, yet we still desire to present religious life as a viable option for our students. Many schools do this by helping the students develop relationships with sisters in the local community. Others take opportunities to invite sisters to come to a class or retreat and speak to the students.
Another option is to take advantage of the many resources that Mercy Education provides in Flash that highlight the life and ministry of the Sisters of Mercy and other Catholic sisters from around the world. These include resources and reflections from the Sisters of Mercy Justice Team, the Sisters of Mercy blog, and Global Sisters Report, a project of National Catholic Reporter. In this video, you can learn more about the work of Global Sisters Report and their mission to share news and information about Catholic sisters and the critical issues facing the people they serve.
Vocation Prayer by Sister Danielle Gagnon, RSM, Director of Campus Ministry at Merion Mercy Academy
What is the process to become a Sister of Mercy?
Lessons in Vocations from the Global Sisters Report (includes an article by Sister of Mercy Jenny Wilson, RSM)
Curriculum Guide – Called and Consecrated: Exploring the Lives of Women Religious