We’re excited to announce that the nomination process is now open for the Sister Corinne…
Sisters of Mercy Announce Service Experience for High School Students at the U.S.-Mexico Border, June 15-22
“I was a stranger and you welcomed me” (Matthew 25:35). The Sisters of Mercy New Membership Team has announced a new weeklong service experience at the U.S.-Mexico border for students at Mercy high schools, rooted in our Critical Concern for immigration and the Gospel call to welcome the stranger. From June 15-22, 2024, Mercy students will serve at Arise Adelante, a sponsored ministry of the Sisters of Mercy, providing a morning and afternoon summer program for local children. Students will also spend time learning about the current situation on the border, including a visit to the border wall, and engage in prayer and reflection provided by the Sisters of Mercy. The weeklong program will take place on the U.S. side of the border. There will be opportunities for students from different Mercy high schools to pray together, serve together and have fun together.
The cost of the trip will be $500 per person, plus the flight (approximately $500-750). This will include all food, lodging and onsite transportation. Participating schools will need to provide at least one chaperone. To learn more, please contact Sister Jenny Wilson, RSM, by October 27. Sister Jenny will also host an informational Zoom meeting early in November.