Green Tips is a monthly column featuring insights from Jason Giovannettone, Director of Climate &…
Partners in Ministry Gathers 42 Participants Across Five Countries
On Monday, July 25 and Tuesday, July 26, Mercy Education’s Partners in Ministry Leadership Academy welcomed 42 participants and speakers representing 25 schools in Argentina, Belize, Honduras, Jamaica, and the United States.

The conference began at the very heart of the Mercy charism with a presentation on Catherine McAuley, the House of Mercy, the history of the founding of the Sisters of Mercy, and the development of the Mercy charism from Elizabeth MacNeal, Head of Heritage and Spirituality at Mercy International Centre.
From there, the academy moved to a focus on personal wellness. Mollye Readinger-Scott, personal and career coach and founder of Readinger Scott Consulting, challenged participants with an energetic and spirited presentation on why self-care matters. Mollye took participants through several reflective activities and helped them to develop a deeper understanding of why self-care is essential to being our best selves as leaders.
Kari Sims, theology chair and director of service learning and leadership at Mercy Academy in Louisville, Kentucky, shared her personal journey of Mercy and how she and her school community live out the charism of Mercy every day. Salome Tillett, principal of Saint Catherine Academy in Belize City, Belize, shared insights into her own personal experience of Mercy. She expressed the communal responsibility that we all have as Mercy leaders to carry on the charism of Catherine. Salome’s presentation used the symbol of the teacup and the hospitality of offering “a good cup of tea” to highlight the Mercy Education Core Values.

Grounded in the Gospel of Luke, “What Then Must We Do?” (Luke 3:10), Sister Deborah Troillett, RSM, focused on “Blessings and Burdens of Leadership Today: Responding to the Calls of Our Time.” Sister Deb’s presentation highlighted the challenges facing today’s youth and the growing mental health crisis and violence in schools. Participants reflected on how Mercy leaders can prepare students to respond to the calls of our time as Catholic, Mercy leaders themselves.
To conclude the event, members of the Mercy Education staff – Sr. Lisa Griffith, RSM, Executive Director; Kimberly Baxter, Associate Director for Programs and Services; and Susan Smith, Associate Director for Leadership Formation – provided an overview of their work, the role of Mercy Education, and governance responsibilities. They also shared ways for participants to connect with the Mercy Education office, including education cohorts and upcoming events, programs and services.
Save the date! Next year’s Partners in Ministry Leadership Academy will be held July 24-25, 2023, at Mercy Center in Belmont, North Carolina.