Green Tips is a monthly column featuring insights from Jason Giovannettone, Director of Climate &…
In This New Year
On January 1 we celebrate not only the dawn of a new year, 2021, but also the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God.
We approach the new year mindful of all that we have learned during 2020 through months of the global COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing, natural disasters and growing consciousness of racial injustices. During these challenging times, we feel the significance of our call as a community of Mercy education to nurture our students and encourage them to be competent and compassionate servant leaders. Placing our faith in God, we offer our support and encouragement to one another on this journey and pray for strength and courage, patience and joy as we work to fulfill our mission.
Like Mary, may we dispose ourselves to receive God’s word and to act upon it.
Like Mary, may we embrace our call to bring God to birth in our time and culture.
Like Mary, may we eagerly walk in the gospel way with Jesus.
Like Mary, may we be attentive to God’s movement in our lives.
Like Mary, may we be animated by hope.
Faithful God, in Mary you have modeled for us the rhythm of action and contemplation to which our Mercy vocation calls us. In this new year, may we, like her, live ever more conscious of you dwelling with us and bring you forth in our world. Amen.