Green Tips is a monthly column featuring insights from Jason Giovannettone, Director of Climate &…
In a World of More, a Prayer of Thanks
In this season of gratitude, we share a prayer of thanksgiving written for Mercy Education by the Campus Ministry Team at Bishop Feehan High School: Michelle Allen, Megan Demers, Sister Martha Mulligan, RSM, and Michaela Silva. You can download a printable version of the prayer here.
“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” Colossians 3:15-17
Today we are gathered together to celebrate the beautiful gift and virtue of gratitude. To pause the hustle and bustle of our busy lives to take stock of all we have and all we can share. In mercy and love, O God, grant us the peace you promise when we embrace this gift.
In a world that can often tell us we need to HAVE more,
Generous God, let us know gratitude for your abundant blessings. Open our eyes to Your loving providence. Thank you for the love of family and friends that are gathered here and those who cannot be with us. Thank you for looking upon them with grace and care. Thank you for the food we share today, for its nourishment and its comfort, whether it be perfectly prepared or rushed and flawed. Thank you for our homes, no matter how messy, our clothing, no matter how outdated, and our lives, no matter how simple.
In a world that can often tell us we need to DO more,
Gracious God, teach us the value of time in quiet with you. In this time of great celebration and busyness, thank you for the gift of Sabbath. Of time set apart, for proper rest and the joy of simple pleasures. Help us to embrace them today and always.
In a world that can tell us we must ACCOMPLISH more,
Loving God, help us to know that we are enough, just as we are, loved by You, made in your holy image. Thank you for the glorious gift of life and the honor of knowing you entrust us to live it for your purpose.
Thank you, unsparing God, for the abounding blessings you have shared with us, especially those we call to mind now.
(Here you can call to mind those people and things for which we are most grateful)
Let us carry with us these open eyes of gratitude not just today but in our days to come.