Green Tips is a monthly column featuring insights from Jason Giovannettone, Director of Climate &…
Holy Week and Easter Reflections for the Mercy Community
“Then the angel said to the women in reply, ‘Do not be afraid! I know that you are seeking Jesus the crucified. He is not here, for he has been raised just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples …’”Matthew 8:5-7
“Do not be afraid!” We find these words reflected in our own Mercy Education Core Values. Recently schools have been engaging in the annual mission stewardship review process, this year focusing on the Core Value of Educational Courage. “Do not be afraid!” Educational Courage demands not only academic excellence but also the fortitude to claim it. So, too, our faith calls us this Holy Week. Each year we hear the familiar readings and understand in new ways what the Gospel asks of us. We prepare our hearts to hear these words and “go quickly” and share the good news.
Holy Week
Throughout Holy Week, reflections will be posted from the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas and from Mercy International Association.
Prayer for Easter from the Sisters of Mercy
Risen Savior, we rejoice in your rising. All creation is redeemed through your saving love. Mary Magdalene sought you and found you in the midst of her sorrow. Your presence filled her with a joy that had to be shared. You sent her to announce the news of your resurrection from the dead. Give us a love that sees you risen among us and sends us forth as bearers of the Good News. We ask this in faith. Amen.