Deepening Mercy Spirituality in our Schools: A Guide for Educators
Please join us for a virtual presentation on Mercy spirituality from Angie Simonetti and Sandy Flaherty, both members of the Religion Department at Mercy High School (Burlingame, California). The presentation will be held on March 21, 2022, 4-5:30 pm ET.
The workshop will cover the four key characteristics of Mercy spirituality: action and contemplation, hospitality, divine providence and service. Practical suggestions will be provided to amplify and infuse Mercy spirituality into academic and campus ministry programs. The workshop is intended for school administrators, theology/religion teachers and campus ministers, though all are welcome to attend. A flyer to distribute and/or post is available here.
Meet the Presenters
Sandy Flaherty is a former Sister of Mercy and currently a Mercy Associate. She has two Masters Degrees in Theology, one in Theological Studies and the other in Pastoral Leadership. She is the author of A Reflection of Mercy: Prayer Services, Liturgies and Resources for Mercy School Communities and Why Choose Catholic Education: A Guide for Parents. Sandy is currently the Director of Mission and Catholic Identity and a Religious Studies Teacher at Mercy High School in Burlingame, California.
Angie Simonetti is a former Sister of Mercy and currently the Director of the Mercy Association in the San Francisco Bay Area. She has a Master’s Degree in Theological Studies with a concentration in Spirituality. She is currently the Director of Campus Ministry and the Religion Department Chair at Mercy High School, Burlingame. She has served on the Institute Ethics Committee for Mercy Education, which designed a process for ethical decision-making for Mercy schools.
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