Election 2020 Resources for Mercy Schools
We know in our Mercy secondary schools, educating students on the Critical Concerns goes hand-in-hand with educating them on their potential to make an impact on these issues through their words, their actions and, when eligible, their votes.
Reflective Voting Guides
- From Sisters of Mercy: Prayer Calendar for the 2020 Election
- A Prayer for the Election by James Martin, SJ
- Webinar: Voting and Catholicism from Creighton University to be held October 20 at 7 p.m. ET.
- From Faith in Public Life: Democracy Values and the 2020 Election – A Reflection Guide for Faith Communities
- From Ignatian Solidarity Network: Ignatian Examen for Civic Life
- From LCWR: Towards a More Perfect Union: 2020 Election Reflections and A Reflective Voting Guide – Creating Communion at the Intersection of Racism, Migration and Climate Crisis
- From NETWORK: Voting and Democracy
- From USCCB: Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship
Encouraging Nonviolent Dialogue and Actions around Controversial Issues
- From Catholic Common Ground Initiative: Helpful Articles
- From Conference of Major Superiors of Men: Nonviolent Communication on Controversial Issues
- From Franciscan Action Network: A Call to Conscience: Catholic Teaching and Civil Disobedience
Nonpartisan Voter Information Website
- Vote.org
- League of Women Voters and vote411.org
- Our First Vote – created by students, for students
- Rock the Vote
- From Accredited Schools Online: Navigating the Election Process for Students and First-Time Voters
Get Involved
- Video Playlist: Get Out the Vote with Mercy!
- #VoteWithMercy Digital Toolkit from the Sisters of Mercy. Schools are welcome to use the graphics, gifs and messaging in classrooms, newsletters, alumni outreach, social media, etc.
- Op-ed writing guide for first-time voters from the Sisters of Mercy. This tool is great for classroom use or for sharing with your school’s alumni/alumnae community.
- From What Kids Can Do: List of National Youth Vote Organizations
Other Helpful Resources
- Annenberg Public Policy Center – includes links to FactCheck.org and classroom resources for teaching the Constitution
- Democracy Class – free, nonpartisan curriculum that educates high school students about the importance and history of voting and pre-registers and registers them to vote.
- From Education Week: How Schools Can Be More Effective at Growing Young Voters
- Southern Poverty Law Center
- From Teaching Tolerance: Future Voters Project